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Team Fierro

When you become involved with Team Fierro, you are joining a movement that focuses on the well being of the community and her people. We train our volunteers to serve with a humble heart. These are hard times, but together we can change the narrative. We can become the ones that empower the community through our hard work & by raising awareness on serious issues! Families are facing evictions, parents are concerned if their child has a common cold or COVID-19. With a lack of resources or knowledge, these families are our community's most vulnerable. 

We are seeing prayers answered through the hard work volunteers bring. When we have more people capable of carrying boxes of food & milk, then we are able to reach over 400 different families at a single event! When volunteers come together, we are able to bring parents awareness on Internet safety for their children.  Our team is able to reach over 1,000 calls a week through phone banking, and each volunteer is trained to be an ace on block walking! Where ever your expertise may be, Team Fierro will assign you in a role that will best aid the community. We work with amazing caseworkers & social workers who are able to advise community members on safety issues related to human trafficking awareness.

You can be the difference needed in this movement. We will give it all. Join us, and Dalé Fierro!

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